JADALI toys story
Jean-Louis Garon, Jacques Lagrange, Laurent Tormos, 2012/03/04
The history of JADALI:
In 1938, Leon Gouttman creates a new company dedicated to distribution of spare parts for automotive
industry: Comptoir Automobile de Boulogne-Billancourt (CABB).
During WW II, Leon Gouttman finds refuge in Great Britain where he meets Aubrey Mills and Sidney Am-
bridge, owners of Die Casting Machine Tools (DCMT). They were producing small automated machines
to die cast zamak and also toys.
The history of DCMT will be closely bound to some names which will become famous: Lone Star, Cres-
cent Toys, Cragstan, Moko Lesney. The latter will give birth to ? Matchbox. Rodney Smith, one of the
founders of Matchbox was formerly employee at DCMT !
Immediately after WW II finishes, Leon Gouttman goes back to France.
In the mean time he has been granted various licences from DCMT: selling die casting machines, use,
modify and sell toys using the brand name Lone Star. Therefore, he triggers in Nanterre (western sub-
urbs of Paris) a foundry plant in order to produce die casts for automotive industry.
In 1948, he moves the plant to Issy les Moulineaux (southern suburbs of Paris). The first toys produced
were copies of cow boy equipments: sheriff star, revolvers, spurs and outfits directly derived from DCMT
product range.
Jadali catalog: pages 1, 2 et 3 (source JH Gouttman)
In 1952, Leon's son, Jacques-Henri raises the idea of creating a new brand
JADALI, acronym of
Jacques ?
Daniel ?
Linette (nickname for Evelyne), forenames of the three Leon's children.
In 1953, Leon Gouttman decides to open a second die casting plant at Langeac (Haute-Loire) in an old
mill. At the same moment, Jacques-Henri Gouttman drops out his high school course of study to estab-
lish and sell under JADALI name the toys produced by CABB. The only example known of product really
sold under that name is the garage ramp (1/43 scale).
Despite the illustration, the box just contains the elevator. The little number of known units wear the stam-
ping DCMT underneath. Finally, the name Lone Star will not be used to market those toys.
There was also a project of service station, the existence of which we have no evidence so far.
On the illustration, in addition to garage ramp, appear four model cars whose origin is clearly DCMT
Nash roadster
La Salle Sedan
Flat truck
An interesting comparison shows how straight was the connivance between DCMT and JADALI
In addition to cow boys outfits, JADALI launches a new product range called JADANETTE, at an about
1/86 scale, inspired or copied from Matchbox, and sold in french match boxes.
Jadali catalog: page 4 (source JH Gouttman)
Boxes look like medium size match boxe: 58 x 40 x 24 mm.
This reference 49 has been already presented hereabove. This is the garage ramp.
Destipe the sketch of a Jadanette car ( 1/86 scale ) , the garage ramp remains at a 1/43 scale.
Reference 49

Reference 50 with comparison of Matchbox and Jadanette specificities

Référence 51

Reference 52 with differences between Matchbox and Jadanette

Référence 53 JADANETTE doesn't wear the W.H. logo on front gril

Reference 54 with differences between Matchbox and Jadanette

Référence 55

Référence 56
Jadali reference 57 has never been found so
far. It could correspond to the Matchbox bull-
dozer (right on the picture).
Référence 57 ?

Reference 58
In 1957, Jacques-Henri Gouttman creates the Société Industrielle de Fonderie et de Mécanique Appli-
quée (S.I.F.M.A.) still at Langeac. Plant is established at the Mill. He develops here a merely industrial
activity and production of chrome plated parts, parts for electrical domestic appliances which were at
that time a flourishing market.
By the end of 1959, Jacques-Henri Gouttman launches a new product range made of car models at a
real 1/43 scale: Ford T Lizzie and Renault of race Paris/Vienne 1902. With JADALI-SIFMA stamping,
they are very hard to find items.
Ford T Lizzie 1911

Original Ford T Lizzie by JADALI-SIFMA

Two differrent colors for the model.
On these spectacular units, wind shield have been modified (may be after an accident ).
Renault of race Paris Vienne 1902: winner of the race, driven by Marcel Renault.

Renault of the race Paris-Vienne 1902 by JADALI-SIFMA
In 1960 he concludes a deal with SAFIR company. This agreement encompasses production and dis-
tribution of the 1/43 models Ford T Lizzie and Renault Paris-Vienne 1902. According to it, SIFMA had
to produce rough parts and SAFIR realizes painting, assembly and distribution under SAFIR brand
name. This cooperation went on until 1978 when SAFIR got out of business.

Ford T and Renault Paris-Vienne by SAFIR
Between 1955-1956, Leon Gouttman ends his activity in France and leaves to Spain where he sets an
association with a catalan friend, Francisco Lluch, and creates in Barcelona a new die casting foundry
called METAMOL (Metales Moldeados). Car models produced here will be sold exclusively in Spain
under the brand name JADALI-METAMOL, thus using the french brand name without opposition from
Jacques-Henri Gouttman ! Spanish market was totally closed at the present moment: neither import
nor export !
Once again, the company logo looks like the DCMT one !
Only one model was created with several variants: SEAT 1400 scale 1/34 (thirty four):

Leon Gouttman will remain in Spain until 1965, and eventually sells back his stake and retires.
Bibliography, sources and thanks
Thanks for their contributions to :
Geoffrey Ambridge
Jose David Andrade
Antonio Arnedo
Yannick Callens
Juan Mauri Cruz
Jean Louis Garon
Jacques-Henri Gouttman
Jacques Lagrange
Miguel Pascual
Juan Jose Sanjose
Michel Sordet
Laurent Tormos
Other sources:
Book: de J. Greilsamer et B. Azema Catalogue mondial des modèles réduits automobiles (Ed. Edita,
Lausanne, 1967) and updates through L'année automobile miniature
Book: de Paolo Rampini The golden book of model cars 1900-1975 (édition 1995)
News magazine: L'Argus de la Miniature n° 201 january-february 2 000 and n° 239 july 2008; L'Argus
Tekno vol. 1 september 2009.
News magazine: Miniauto n° 139 de juin 2010, published in Spain
News magazine: Passion43 may 2011
Text: de Jean-Paul Juge (Technical Director of SAFIR) and pictures on web site:
Text: de Michael Hausner published in magazine N°30 du Jaquemart, arts, his toire et traditions en lan-
geadois and pictures from web site Mémoire de Langeac rubrique:
Text and pictures: on web site: http://www.portalclassicos.com/miniaturas/10951-miniaturas-com-mais-
Web sites: de Ma Collection by M. Sordet:
Forum spanish: http://www.autoescala.net/showthread.php?t=1567&page=2
Forum english: http://www.toycollector.com/
Any new information, update or picture is welcome.Send to: jacques_lagrange@hotmail.com
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